
At Open Exhibitions, we pride ourselves on providing valuable insights and support to help you navigate the world of exhibiting. Our dedicated team is here to offer expert guidance, innovative solutions, and a wealth of knowledge to ensure your success.

Whether you're looking for tips on visitor engaging or seeking a more eco-friendly way to exhibit, we can help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime – we're just a call or email away!

Eleven Tips For Exhibition Success

  1. Choose the Right Exhibition

There are thousands of exhibitions taking place right around the world so you need to make sure you choose the right show for your business. Start by researching the best exhibitions in your industry that are relevant to your business and find out as much about the exhibition as possible. Most importantly, you need to choose an exhibition that targets your audience so choose a show that your ideal customers will be at.


  1. Outline Your Goals

Before you plan anything for your exhibition you need to set goals for the show and consider what you want to achieve. What are your business goals? Maybe you’re selling a new product, want to network with other business, gain new clients, raise brand awareness, or get more leads. Set realistic targets to reach these goals and calculate ROI once the exhibition is over.


  1. Exhibition Stand Location

You need to make sure you book the right space for your booth at the exhibition. Consider how much space you need, who your neighbours will be, and whether you want to be located near your competitors. You will most likely want to be in an area of high traffic but prime locations can sell out fast so be quick and book your spot.


  1. Plan

Preparation and planning is key when exhibiting and you should start planning weeks before the main event. Start by carrying out competitor research to see who else will be exhibiting and their trade show techniques to get an idea of what you will exhibit.

Consider everything that is required when exhibiting – you need to ensure you have enough time to design your stand, book your place, and train staff. And don’t forget this all needs to align with your budget too.


  1. Prepare Your Team

Make sure your team is all prepared and motivated for the big day. Brief your team so that they are clear on their objectives and know what they are doing. Train your staff so that they are highly knowledgeable experts about your brand, products, and services, and what you are selling on the day so that they are prepared to speak with confidence and can answer any questions visitors may have.


  1. Promotion

As soon as you have confirmed your place at the event you can start promoting yourself. Tell existing customers and prospects when and where you will be exhibiting using a variety of marketing channels including your website, social media, and email. Let them know where you will be located and what they can expect to find at your stand including products, offers, and demos.

You can continue to promote your stand during the event using social media to invite users to stop by your booth using images of the show and hashtags to engage in online conversation around the exhibition.


  1. Arrive Early

Arrive early to the exhibition so that you have enough time to set up and install your stand, speak to your neighbouring exhibitors, make sure all tech is working, you have all your marketing collateral ready, and your team are all prepared.


  1. Behave Professionally

How you and your team behave at the exhibit can have a big impact on its success. You should be friendly and approachable and not pounce on visitors with your sales pitch. Instead, ask engaging questions and start a conversation with prospects as they will be far more likely to listen to you and buy into your offering. First impressions are everything so maintain open body language and dress to impress. And you also need to be engaged in visitors so don’t eat or use phones whilst on the stand.


  1. Stand Design

An eye-catching stand design is key to attracting visitors to your stand and engaging with them. Make sure your design incorporates your brand colours and logo and communicates your message clearly. Your stand should be designed around your audience so focus on what kind of design would appeal to them.

You can start by arranging a meeting with an exhibition stand design agency such as Open Exhibitions to discuss ideas and generate a concept for your stand.


  1. Create an Immersive Experience

Adding interactive or experiential elements to your stand can attract prospects and generate interest whilst educating about your products and services. You can incorporate touch screens, competitions, product demos, free goodies, and lounge space. Offer something of value to your audience and be creative as there are many ways to appeal to all senses and really immerse visitors in your brand to make you more memorable.


  1. Follow Up

Following up with leads after the exhibition is over is one of the most important parts of an exhibition. Reach out to the people you met at the exhibition and don’t wait too long so that they don’t forget about you. Work on nurturing leads and converting visitors into sales.

Follow these top tips for exhibition success. For more tips on exhibiting or exhibition stands, get in touch with Open Exhibitions today – we are experts in designing and building creative exhibition stands, modular stands, and vibrant event environments.

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Open Exhibitions

Open Exhibitions


Open House, Hawkes Drive, Heathcote Industrial Estate, Warwick, CV34 6LX

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  • Exhibition Trade Stand Designers
  • Exhibition Trade Stand Builders
  • Event Designers & Builders
  • Design & Build For Agencies

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